Name in Full* :
(As Shown in the Passport)
What is your First Language* :
(Please Tick the Box)
Do you need a Translator*
(Please Tick the Box)
Bank Details
The Contractor, its shareholders and directors (jointly and severally) shall not without the prior written consent of CFS Pty. Ltd. approach or communicate with the Client of CFS Pty. Ltd. for whom the cleaning services are being provided.
Working Agreements
If you are unable to attend work, please inform your supervisor or manager as soon as possible. The notice must be provided at least 4 hours prior to the start of your shift.
If you are running late for work or if you want to finish early before the normal finishing you must inform your supervisor.
Unable to attend work without informing the management will cause deduction of payments.
You should not discuss any work-related matters with 3rd party under any circumstances and take orders only from Crish solutions management of an authorized person by the company.
Please be aware that we have provided your details to the dedicated Facility that you will be working for. Therefore, you are the only person who is permitted to enter the school premises. Do not cover your shift with anybody else without informing your supervisor. This would be a breach of company regulations and your work will be terminated immediately, without pay for that day.
Always be punctual and arrive 5-10 mins before starting time and please do not depart before your finishing time even if you have finished all your duties for the day.
If you want to discontinue/ resign from your work, you must give two-week notice before your resignation date. Failure to do so will result in no pay for one week.
Always wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves, face masks, etc., when at work
As a subcontractor/ Employee of CFS Pty. Ltd, you agree to:
Serve the Company faithfully and diligently, to the best of your ability, and act in the best interest of the company at all times.
Give your best efforts to promote and protect the good name and reputation of the Company.
Comply with all lawful and reasonable directions from the Company and all laws applicable to your position and duties.
Avoid any conflicts of interest whether real or apparent.
Secure all gates, doors, and windows within your designated working area upon completion of the shift including turning off all water taps, lights, and electrical appliances nominated by the Site
If and where appropriate and or required all security alarms are to be deactivated on arrival and activated upon departure.
Ensure that the provision of cleaning services does not affect, contaminate or disturb any site occupant, teaching materials, site assets or materials, indoor plants, aquariums, or any other part of the premises or any property within such premises
If you feel your safety or the safety of your fellow colleagues, staff, or the general public are at risk, or you need to abandon your shift at any time you are required to immediately call your Site/Area Supervisor/Client Relationship Manager or the CFS Pty. Ltd. after-hours contact number to lodge an incident report or communicate any such concerns.
You agree that during and after your employment with defaming CFS Pty. Ltd. not to disparage or defame CFS Pty. Ltd. in any respect or to make any derogatory comments, whether written or verbal regarding CFS Pty. Ltd. or its current and former employees, directors, attorneys, contracting parties, it's business or operations. This includes all media and social media platforms, if you engage in any way with respect to the CFS Pty. Ltd. will be placed under review and you will be liable to face further legal action in accordance with your Subcontract conditions.
For key management at certain sites, we are adding AirTags/tracking devices to the keys. This measure is solely for compliance and security purposes.
Mandatory Site Guidelines - Acceptance and Acknowledgement
As part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and efficient work environment, we kindly request your understanding and adherence to the following guidelines. Your cooperation is crucial in ensuring the well-being of all individuals on-site and the smooth execution of operations.
1. Proper Attire:
All personnel are required to wear either a uniform or hi-vis jackets while on-site. This ensures visibility and safety at all times.
2. Timekeeping and Pay:
Punctuality is of utmost importance. Failure to record your shift start and end times on the designated app may result in a delay or absence of payment.
3. Shift Recording:
It is mandatory to log your shift start and end times using the designated app. Accurate record-keeping aids in tracking work hours effectively.
4. Break Notification:
Please inform your supervisor when taking breaks. This helps maintain productivity and coordination.
5. Restricted Devices:
Mobile phones, AirPods, hands-free devices, and tablets are strictly prohibited during work hours. These devices may only be used in emergency situations or for work-related matters.
6. Safety Gear:
Wearing proper attire, including appropriate shoes, work pants, and personal protective equipment (PPE), is essential for personal safety.
7. Equipment Checks:
Prior to use, ensure that all electronic equipment, including vacuums, are checked for functionality and proper tagging. If issues arise, notify your supervisor immediately.
8. Chemical Usage:
Always use the correct chemicals and follow dilution guidelines. If uncertain, consult your supervisor before proceeding.
9. Equipment Maintenance:
Cleaning equipment and supplies must be cleaned after each use, maintaining a clean and organized work environment.
10. Damage Reporting:
Promptly report any property, equipment, or goods damages to your supervisor to facilitate timely resolutions.
11. Documentation of Concerns:
If you have complaints or requests, promptly send pictures to your supervisor via email on the same day as instructed.
12. Leave Notifications:
Sick leave requires a minimum 4-hour notice before the shift, unless you are critically injured or hospitalized. Annual leaves must be informed 7 days in advance, covering all casual and personal events.
Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in immediate removal from the site without pay by CFS.
By clicking the acknowledgment button below, you confirm that you have thoroughly reviewed and understood the policies and guidelines outlined in the provided document. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to uphold and implement all policies and procedures detailed in the company's policy documents.
Important Guidelines for Invoices, Payroll, and Leave
We would like to bring to your attention some important points to ensure smooth operations and compliance with our processes. Please take note of the following:
Invoice Accuracy
It is imperative that all invoices submitted are 100% accurate. Any discrepancies may result in a fine of $50.
Accounting and Accounts Department
Recently, we have had to allocate additional resources to rectify errors caused by employee negligence. As a result, the accounting and accounts department had to work overtime. Let's work together to prevent such incidents in the future.
Timely Submission of Invoices
Kindly ensure that all invoices are submitted in a timely manner. Invoices for Monday to Friday should be sent to the accounts department by 10 pm the following day. For Saturdays (payday on Wednesday), invoices should also be sent by 10 pm the next day if no issues arise.
Work Hours and Payroll Cutoff
For employees working from Monday to Sunday, including those working 6 or 7 days or exclusively on weekends, the cutoff time for hours worked is the following Monday at 12 midnight. Payday for this group will be on Thursday.
Advance Leave Notice
All leave requests must be submitted at least 7 days in advance. This advance notice ensures proper scheduling and staffing.
Department-specific Concerns
For any matters related to pay issues or leave, please direct your communications to the relevant department. This ensures that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.
We greatly value your partnership and cooperation in upholding these guidelines. Your adherence to these points will contribute significantly to our operational efficiency. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
As part of our onboarding process, we kindly request that you provide the following documents in either PDF or JPG format. These documents are necessary to ensure the safety and compliance of all personnel working on-site. Please ensure that the uploaded documents are clear and legible. Your cooperation in submitting these documents is greatly appreciated.
Note: Please be advised that the size of files uploaded should not exceed 4MB.
Police Check* (not older than 3 months)
Australian Licence / Hi Risk Licence (if)
Billing Proof of address*
I hereby agreed to furnish '2 weeks' notice, if I want to quit from the service of Crish Solutions Facility Services or pay one week salary to the company, in the case of my sudden resignation
Your Signature*
(Please Do a Digital Signature in the Box)